4651 W Vernal Pike, Bloomington, IN 47404
Tel: 812-332-7529 • Fax: 812-339-7529
3307 Mitchell Rd. Bedford, IN 47421
Tel: 812-329-6271
Success Stories
In less than 20 years, Theraplay has been trusted by patients and physicians alike in delivering quality, family-oriented and evidence-based care in the community. We owe everything to our patients and physicians for giving us their trust and the opportunity to serve them. Here are some of the success stories and what patients say about us. We will not be in this junction of success without you. Thank you.

Mary Weitz
I began my PT with Dr. Troy Factora and his excellent staff after recently having (3) surgeries in 2 &1/2 months. After being a nurse for 42 years and a recent injury, I became very sedentary and had much pain for the better part of (2) years. I was anxious, not sleeping, weak, and short of breath. I didn’t know how to proceed.